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Focus on Sensors

| By Gerald Ondrey

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These CO2 sensors require very little power

Gas Sensing Solutions

The CozIR-LP3 ultra-low-power CO2 sensor (photo) includes on-board power management, allowing the user to control sensor power consumption during measurements and when the sensor is inactive. The user can reduce active current consumption to less than 1 μA without switching off the sensor. The CozIR-LP3 is based on the company’s proprietary solid-state non-dispersive infra-red (NDIR) LED technology, where the sensor measures concentration levels by analyzing the amount of light absorbed by the CO2 gas. Users have a choice of UART or I2C control interfaces, digital and analog CO2 measurements and a fail-safe digital alarm level monitor. — Gas Sensing Solutions, Cumbernauld, U.K.

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