Vibration & temperature sensor receives UL 61010 certification

AVT Reliability
This company has strengthened its position in the U.S. and Canadian asset-management market after achieving the UL 61010 US and C safety standard for its tri-axial fixed vibration and temperature sensor, Machine Sentry MSF-1 (photo). UL 61010 is the U.S. and Canada equivalent of the European CE product-safety standard and covers electrical products for use in non-hazardous locations. The MSF-1 sensor is a wireless intelligent tri-axial vibration and integrated temperature sensor, which connects via Bluetooth. Storing up to 5,000 readings and with a five-year battery life, it can be installed anywhere from harsh environments, such as chemical plants and the oil-and-gas industry, to the food-and-beverage sector. — AVT Reliability Ltd., Warrington, Cheshire, U.K.