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Focus on Pumps

| By Gerald Ondrey

All-in-one pump-protection automatic recirculation valves

The new, self-modulating TDL Automatic Recirculation Valves (photo) in 10 and 12 NPS are now available with high bypass flow, offering maximum flexibility in bypass trim sizes for pumping systems. These reliable all-in-one pump-protection valves are designed to keep pumping systems modulating and running smoothly, without cavitation, vibration or overheating. Without minimum flow, a pump can quickly suffer grave damage, causing downtime and costly repairs — but control valves for recirculation require continuous control of complex equipment, a flow-measurement device, control unit and energy supply. Unlike control valve packages, these self-operated flow-sensitive valves operate without a separate power supply or any control system, and begin protection immediately once installed. — Schroedahl GmbH, a subsidiary of Circor International, Reichshof-Mittelagger, Germany