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Focus on Pumps

| By Gerald Ondrey

Sliding-vane magnetic-drive pumps

Magnes Series pumps (photo) are positive-displacement rotary-vane pumps that use a magnetic drive without dynamic seals, providing leak-free pumping for difficult-to-seal, expensive, valuable, dangerous and hazardous liquids. With this rotary-vane magnetic-drive pump design, these pumps combine the leak-free benefits of a magnetic-drive pump with the numerous advantages of sliding-vane technology, including self-priming, line-stripping, product recovery, indefinite dry-run capability, solids handling, and more. The pumps are available in a 3-in. model (a 4-in. model will be available in January 2021) in both ductile iron and stainless-steel construction — Blackmer, part of PSG, a Dover company, Grand Rapids, Mich.