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Focus on Pumps

| By Gerald Ondrey

New sizes available for progressive-cavity pumps

NEMO progressive-cavity pumps with the FSIP design (photo) are capable of pumping and precisely dosing a large variety of different substances. The model is now available in stainless steel (photo) in the additional sizes NM053, NM090 and NM105, where only pumps in cast iron were available before. The FSIP concept is especially suitable for wear-intensive applications that require more service and maintenance work, because the design makes service work easy. The pump is designed so that the housing itself functions as a support and orientation guideline during maintenance, making sure each part “automatically” fits into its destination. Therefore, the change of all wear parts takes less than half of the time required previously. Constructed of stainless steel, the pump is suitable for media with temperatures up to 80°C and a pressure of up to 9 bars. — Netzsch Pumpen & Systeme GmbH, Waldkraiburg, Germany