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Focus on Pumps

| By Gerald Ondrey

These HDD pumps feature an enhanced fluid-end design

The GD 800HDD pump (photo) is a compact, lightweight pump featuring an extremely high rod load and delivers a flowrate of over 1,000 gal/min. The new fluid-end design employs the company’s patented Falcon retaining technology, which makes it easier to service and maintain the pump. This design accelerates valve changeout time by more than fivefold, resulting in reduced maintenance downtime during operations. In addition, costly third-party replacement parts that accompanied the previous “cage-style” valve design are eliminated, which enables improved operational efficiencies and streamlined procurement. All of the GD 800HDD pumps, which serve a wide variety of horizontal directional drilling (HDD) applications, will now utilize the new fluid-end technology. — GD Energy Products, Houston