These new plunger pumps have a compact design
This company has added two new compact plunger pumps to its portfolio, the P3-85 with a maximum power of 700 kW, and the P5-85 (photo), with a maximum power of 1,200 kW. The pumps feature an integrated gearbox and a short design, with a stroke of 100 mm and a rod force of 280 kN. The Px-85 series enables an increased performance compared to long-stroke designs. The short design, the elimination of external gears and the optimization of performance makes it possible to replace several pumps with one in some cases. Flowrates of up to 2,100 L/min for the P3-85, and 3,500 L/min for the P5-85. — Uraca GmbH & Co. KG, Bad Urach, Germany