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Focus on Pipes, Tubes & Fittings

| By Gerald Ondrey

Perform examinations of pipe elbows with this scanner

The ElbowFlex scanner (photo) enables quick, manual ultrasonic inspections of pipe elbows in oil-and-gas, petrochemical and other industrial applications. ElbowFlex measures wall thickness and detects flow-accelerated corrosion on elbows with diameters ranging from 4 in. NPS (4.5 in.) to flat. Its 1-D flexible, linear-array probe can adapt to the scanned specimen dimension and stay concentric throughout the inspection, providing everything needed to cover the full range of elbow diameters in a single probe. It is able to scan both the straight and elbow aspects of a pipe. ElbowFlex uses an Aqualene membrane for coupling in lieu of a water chamber and requires only a thin film of water on the specimen surface. The scanner can also work with standard coupling gel or a mixture of water and gel. The complete ElbowFlex kit includes the scanner, flexible probe, Aqualene membrane, encoder cable, wear shoes, shims, tools, carrying case and spare components for consumables. — Zetec Inc., Snoqualmie, Wash.