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Focus on Packaging

| By Gerald Ondrey


Coval Vacuum Technology

This vacuum gripper is a cobot’s best friend

The role of collaborative robots (cobots) is to collaborate with operators in order to enhance versatility, eliminate repetitive tasks, prevent MSDs (musculoskeletal disorders) and boost productivity. However, to realize their full potential, these cobots need efficient tools. To meet this challenge, this company is launching a range of gripping tools, with the CVGC series of carbon vacuum grippers (photo) being the first product series to be launched. The CVGC carbon vacuum gripper is not just an adaptation of an existing product, but a plug-and-play product designed 100% for various cobot models. Its design features seamlessly integrate with cobots to take advantage of their greatest strengths: lightweight (<1 kg for the smallest model) thanks to a carbon-fiber construction; quick assembly and disassembly, without special tools, to promote the cobot’s versatility; operator protection via a flexible peripheral foam; compactness, with a function block housing the vacuum generator, control cartridge, vacuum switch and silencer; versatility, with a foam gripping interface suitable for a range of workpieces and available in three dimensions. — Coval Vacuum Technology, Inc., Raleigh, N.C.