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Focus on Motors and Drives

| By Gerald Ondrey

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Monitor health of medium- and high-voltage motors

In March, this company extended its SAM4 asset health monitoring system to support medium- and high-voltage equipment. The SAM4 system now covers the full spectrum of low-, medium- and high-voltage a.c. machines to detect developing failures up to five months in advance. SAM4 has been available for rotating a.c. equipment up to 690 V since 2018. Following a two-year period of extensive development and testing, SAM4 is now proven to deliver failure-prediction accuracy for higher-voltage equipment. Maintenance costs for a medium- or high-voltage machine can easily spiral to tens of thousands of euros a year, while a single downtime event can cost millions, presenting a very real risk of overwhelming an organization, says the company. — Samotics, Leiden, the Netherlands

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