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Focus on Motors and Drives

| By Gerald Ondrey

Improve energy efficiency with these regenerative drives

This company has introduced a new range of compact regenerative drives. The range includes three options; the U1000 Low Harmonics Regenerative Matrix Converter, the D1000 Regenerative Converter Unit and the R1000 Regenerative Unit. The U1000 (photo) is designed to exceed the performance of general-purpose a.c. drives, exceeding the IEEE 519 harmonic guideline for power quality, and suitable for single-motor drive applications, such as powering lifts, escalators, HVAC machinery, hoists, centrifuges and others. The drive does not require any braking resistor, which typically wastes any regenerative energy into heat. This means the regenerative energy can be utilized by other consumers in the same grid, saving total energy cost and consumption, while also reducing the panel cooling system requirements. — Yaskawa UK Ltd., Newton Aycliffe, Durham, U.K.