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Focus On Industrial Housekeeping

| By Gerald Ondrey

Cleaning plants listed in Operation Clean Sweep

The cotac group, the service network for integral services of this company, offers facilities relating to cleaning, workshops and depots, and has cleaning sites in Mannheim and Schkopau, Germany. The group is one of the first in Europe to be officially listed in Operation Clean Sweep (OCS), an international program that helps to prevent plastic waste in the marine environment. The signatories to the OCS Pledge ensure that no micro- or nanoplastic particles enter the environment. Cotac’s European cleaning sites were able to meet the requirements of the OCS Pledge with only a few adjustments, paying particular attention to the cleaning processes (photo) of silo road tankers for plastic pellets. The European Plastics Converters Association (EuPC) and Plastics Europe developed the OCS certification system in 2022. Externally audited facilities that meet the specified requirements are listed in the openly accessible OCS Public Register, which now include the cotac sites in Mannheim and Schkopau. — Hoyer GmbH Internationale Fachspedition, Hamburg, Germany