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Focus on Drones

| By Mary Page Bailey

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A full suite of autonomous inspection and testing services

This company’s inspection platform involves automated testing services with robotic crawlers, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), combining advanced predictive analytics, digital-inspection data warehousing and intelligent inspection-planning recommendations. Using aerial, ground and underwater sensors attached to robots to collect vital inspection data and recommend targeted, risk-based inspection scheduling and planning, the Avitas cloud-based inspection platform centralizes and stores the data, allowing for archival searches of inspection records. 3-D modeling software allows for targeted robotic paths that can be repeated to detect asset changes over time. Inspection data from both manual and autonomous inspection can be combined with asset-performance data, external data sources (such as climate conditions) and new inputs from subsequent inspections. Advanced algorithms automatically detect asset defects and anomalies, and as more data are ingested across diverse sources, the deep-learning models, stored on the company’s AI Workbench, retrain for smarter actionable insights. — Avitas Systems, a GE Venture, Boston, Mass.

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