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Focus on Compressors, Fans & Blowers

| By Gerald Ondrey

Scroll compressors for sensitive work environments

This company has re-issued its EO Series of scroll compressors (photo) and expanded its performance range to 30 kW. The EO Series is very popular in sensitive work environments, such as when there is a high demand for oil-free use and process safety. The compressors are available in three sizes, from 4 to 7 kW, 11 to 23 kW and 30 kW. The design principle ensures the efficient generation of totally oil-free compressed air. The EO series is characterized by its particularly small footprint, even for the version with an integrated dryer. The compressor is also available with a compressed-air receiver, as a duplex system and with an integrated or external refrigerant dryer. Two-stage aftercooling ensures optimized outlet temperatures. The compressors have been designed for a pressure dewpoint of 3°C. — BOGE Kompressoren Otto Boge GmbH & Co. KG, Bielefeld, Germany