A proportional level-output detector for pilot plants

The Dynatrol CL-10GP proportional level detector (photo) is designed to control liquid levels in pilot plants, chemical-processing plants and small vessels, or anywhere it is necessary to obtain proportional level control over a precise range. The EC-103C(G) control unit is paired with the detector and can activate electro-pneumatic transducers, valve positioners, indicators, controllers or other direct-current devices. The detector and control unit accurately monitor and control an extremely precise liquid level range due to its unique, high-resolution, proportional output signal. This unique control operates reliably under varying-frequency power supplies or harsh process conditions, such as high pressures and high temperatures. All units are built in accordance with Class I, Group D; Class II, Groups E, F & G; and Class III services. — Automation Products, Inc.; Dynatrol Div., Houston