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Focus on Analyzers

| By Scott Jenkins, Chemical Engineering magazine

A handheld Raman device for material identification

This company’s handheld 1,064-nm Raman Progeny analyzer (photo) is used for raw material identification, in-process analysis and authentication of finished products in pharmaceutical manufacturing. Traditional processes can include laboratory analysis, a costly and time-consuming step. By implementing an analysis method at the point of need with a handheld tool that can be used by a non-scientist, manufacturers can benefit from a more efficient method to identify or verify their material in a shorter time frame, and at a lower cost when compared to laboratory analysis. With its advantage of utilizing a 1,064-nm Raman laser excitation, Progeny offers a unique solution for reducing fluorescence interference, a common obstacle among traditional handheld Raman devices. Users now have the ability to analyze a wider range of materials and obtain interference-free results in seconds. Other benefits include the ability to scan through translucent packaging, including polymer and glass materials, a smartphone-inspired user interface and a sealed IP-68 rating for rugged warehouse use. — Rigaku Analytical Devices, Wilmington, Mass.