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Focus on Analyzers

| By Scott Jenkins, Chemical Engineering magazine

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A real-time analyzer for calculating O2 in gas streams

The OxyHound (photo) is a highly-efficient process gas analyzer that conducts real-time and continuous oxygen analysis of natural gas, biogas and other gas streams. Utilizing optical quench luminescence technology for gaseous sampling, this cost-effective analyzer conducts precise oxygen measurements in a gaseous phase (ppmv and % on a molar basis) with no cross-sensitivity for CO2, H2S, NH3 or SO2, sulfate or other ionic species, the company says. The technology of the OxyHound is based on the phase modulation of an oxygen-specific luminophore’s luminescent decay time, which enables accurate calculation of oxygen’s partial pressure. The oxygen analyzer measures the phase shift and intensity variation between the excitation light and the fluorescent response, calculating oxygen in real time. The OxyHound eliminates the need for electrolyte changes or membrane maintenance. With the ability to work indoors and outdoors, the gas analyzer serves various industries, including natural gas pipelines, refineries, biogas, chemical plants, landfills, wastewater treatment, manufacturing, food and beverage and renewables. — Analytical Systems Keco, Houston, Tex.

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