Multifunction analyzer for boiler-water treatment
The CE800 Series (photo) is a family of online cation conductivity analyzers that detect a wide range of contaminants, which contribute to the buildup of corrosion and scale in boilers, turbines, piping and other expensive equipment that requires maintenance and shortens life. Cation conductivity is the measure of electrolytic conductivity of a liquid sample after that liquid sample has passed through an ion-exchange resin column. The conductivity of makeup water, feed water and condensate, after passing through this column of strongly acidic cation exchanger resin, is an important chemical measurement used in steam generating power and other industrial plants depending on boilers for steam process heating. The CE800 also measures pH, which provides an additional parameter of importance to ensure water quality in the plant. The cation resin converts low-conductivity mineral ions, such as Na+, Ca2+ and Mg2+, to form an acid, which has a high conductivity level H+ ion. This acid form has a conductivity that is three- to six-times greater than the corresponding salt, so the sensor is much more sensitive, effective and reliable in measuring water impurities than other methods. — ECD Analyzers, a subsidiary of Electro-Chemical Devices, Inc., Anaheim, Calif.