Servomex Group
High-temperature oxygen transmitter is SIL 2 compliant
This company now offers SIL 2 safety compliance for the 2222H transmitter unit of its Servotough OxyExact 2200 oxygen gas analyzer (photo). A high-precision oxygen analyzer designed for use in hazardous area installations, the OxyExact utilizes the company’s patented, field-proven, non-depleting Paramagnetic sensing technology for a highly accurate, repeatable oxygen measurement. Using an intelligent three-enclosure system to ensure safe operation, it measures enriched oxygen (up to 100% O2) in potentially flammable sample gases at pressures up to 45 psia. This system dramatically reduces ongoing costs by removing the need for pre-sample drying. Used in process control applications where high-temperature, high-performance oxygen measurements are required, the OxyExact is ideal for use in a range of hydrocarbon processing applications. — Servomex Group Ltd., Crowborough, U.K.