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Focus on Analyzers

| By Gerald Ondrey

Raman spectroscopy capability with bioreactor platforms


BioPAT Spectro (photo) is a Quality by Design (QbD) tool for use with this company’s ambr automated micro and mini bioreactor systems and with Biostat STR single-use production bioreactors. The new tool offers access to Raman spectroscopy analysis in high-throughput process development, supporting faster Raman model building and accelerating scaleup into commercial manufacturing. Raman spectroscopy is non-invasive and can measure multiple analytes, making it suitable as a process-analytical technologies (PAT) method for process control and monitoring of cell cultures. The new BioPAT Spectro tool, can be retrofitted into ambr 15 cell-culture and ambr 250 high-throughput systems. It enables quick and simple sampling for integrated at-line analysis of a large number of analytes by Raman spectroscopy in a design-of-experiments (DoE) approach. — Sartorius AG, Göttingen, Germany