Predictive maintenance tool for gas analyzers

Scheduled to have been launched this month at the Hannover Trade Fair (which has been cancelled due to COVID-19), Ability Condition Monitoring for measurement devices (photo) is a digital solution that will keep continuous gas analyzers under control to ensure clean-air operations. The new digital solution keeps track of the health of this company’s measurement devices. Performing realtime data analysis, the Ability Condition Monitoring for measurement devices identifies problems quickly, drawing attention to significant or undesirable changes in device conditions. Regular health-check reports provide users with recommendations based on health status, allowing on-site personnel to leverage their own expertise and enabling remote assistance from the company when required. Predictive maintenance reduces users’ potential safety risks and helps them avoid fines. It also lowers operating and maintenance costs due to less emergency maintenance and fewer unplanned outages. — ABB Ltd., Zurich, Switzerland