Computer modeling optimizes exchangers for condensation
The TV Series heat exchangers (photo) are available to condense vapors from low-pressure gas streams and can prevent discharge to the atmosphere of up to 85% of vapors from vents on storage tanks and reactors, and can help operators to reclaim condensate. Models are available for flows to 5,000 std. ft 3 /min or more and for pressure to 15 psig. Fluids can be water, refrigerants, glycol or cryogenic fluids. The fins on the fin-tube core are rectangular plates with a matrix of die-extruded tube collars. A sheet-metal casing provides rigidity to the fin-tube assembly prior to tube expansion. This allows for a gap-free connection, maximizing heat transfer and structural integrity. The fluid circuit consists of parallel tubes that are joined at the inlet and outlet headers. — Xchanger, Hopkins, Minn.