A vortex flowmeter for energy management
The Prowirl 200 vortex flowmeter (photo) measures mass and energy flow of wet, saturated and superheated steam, as well as gases, liquids and cryogenic fluids, at temperatures from –328 to 752°F and pressures up to 3,625 psi. The flowmeter measures virtually every steam flow parameter of interest, making it suitable for use in industrial, building, utility and power-generation applications. The Prowirl 200 measures volume flow, mass flow, flow velocity, corrected volume flow, energy flow, heat-flow difference, calculated saturated steam pressure, steam quality, condensate mass flow, Reynolds number and temperature. It also has three totalizers. The unit’s flow computer calculates mass flow, heat flow, energy flow, density and specific enthalpy from the volume flow, temperature and pressure measurements, all based on international standard IAPWS-IF97 (ASME steam data). Outputs are 4–20 mA with HART, Profibus PA or Foundation Fieldbus, plus a pulse, frequency or switch output. — Endress+Hauser, Inc., Greenwood, Ind.