Metal felt fiber give these filters the edge in extreme conditions
The high-pressure T-Type filter assemblies (photo) feature all stainless-steel construction for both the filter housing and filter elements. With working pressures up to 20,000 psi (1,378 bars), these filters are designed for extreme environments, such as those found in the offshore oil industry, chemical processing, hydraulics, power generation, automotive and other demanding applications. The FJV-3 Series high-pressure filters use porous-metal-felt filter elements that employ filter media of thin filaments of non-woven stainless steel, making them ideal for highly corrosive, highly viscous or radioactive applications, says the company. Because it is highly porous (up to 85%), metal felt media provides very high flowrates of up to 20 times those of other media while maintaining very long operating life. — Swift-JB International LLC, Houston