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Focus on Feeding and Weighing Bulk Solids

| By Suzanne Shelley

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Scaletron Industries

Scaletron Industries

Automatic volumetric feeder saves time, improves accuracy

The Model VMF-28 auger-style volumetric screw feeders, featuring a fully intergrated Scaletron scale (photo), are designed for the metered dispensing of powdered or pelletized additives (such as alum, carbon, lime, polymers, soda ash and other dry bulk solids) into water, wastewater and chemical-treatment processes. Precise dosage amounts are autmomatically weighed and added to treatment processes without requiring manual operator involvement. Data are displayed at a central monitoring station, where operators can quickly make adjustments, as needed, from the control panel. Heat, moisture and other environmental variables can cause additives (such as lime and carbon) to absorb or dissipate water, and such changes can result in not enough, or too much, material being introduced into the treatment process. By monitoring weight loss or gain, the company’s feeders provide operators with constant, realtime assessment of the total mass of additive being used.— Scaletron Industries, Inc., Plumsteadville, Pa.




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