Continuous monitoring of pilot flames and flared gases

LumaSense Technologies
The E2T Quasar 2 series of instruments (photo) is designed for continuous-duty monitoring of pilot flame and flared gases from flares. The base system provides low-cost basic flare-pilot monitoring capabilities. The advanced model has an intensity milliampere (mA) output that allows for a setpoint mA level to be set in a user’s distributed control system (DCS) for both the pilot and flaring status signals from the same unit. Additional add-on features are available for a configurable product to meet a wide range of flare types, monitoring requirements and budget. Two models are available: Quasar 2 M8100-EXP and Quasar 2 M8100-EXP Advanced. Scalable options are available with the advanced version and include continuous 4–20 mA, peak hold and decay, and power supply with 85 to 265 V a.c. input. — LumaSense Technologies, Inc., Santa Clara, Calif.