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Fluor awarded EPCM contract for copper and silver project in Botswana

| By Gerald Ondrey

Fluor Corp. (Irving, Tex.; was awarded an engineering, procurement and construction management (EPCM) contract by Cupric Canyon Capital for its Khoemacau copper and silver project in northwest Botswana. Fluor booked the undisclosed contract value in the second quarter of 2019.

“We worked closely with Cupric Canyon in the project’s front-end engineering and design phase to establish a capital-efficient design and execution plan for the project,” says Tony Morgan, president of Fluor’s Mining & Metals business. “Fluor was also involved in construction management of the early works for the camp upgrade, bush clearing, transport corridor and surface infrastructure terrace preparation.”

Fluor’s scope includes upgrading the existing copper concentrator plant and new mine surface infrastructure. The project is expected to produce an annual average of 62,000 metric tons of copper and 1.9 million ounces of silver with a life of mine in excess of 20 years.

“We will leverage our local capabilities and extensive copper experience to execute the Khoemacau project with excellence – safely, on time, on budget and with quality,” adds Morgan.

Fluor has worked in Botswana since the early 2000s and opened an office in Gaborone in 2015. From Gaborone, Fluor delivers safety, cost-competitive innovations and execution excellence to clients. Fluor conducts business in a socially, economically and environmentally responsible manner, and the Botswana office provides local employment opportunities and supplier and skills development.