This company has expanded its range of microfiltration products by launching seven new metallic Compfil filters (photo) for use within process air and gas applications. The extended Compfil range provides a full suite of disposable and metallic compressed-air filters. Compfil PD, WD, WV, ST and PC are a range of sterile depth filters for process air and gas applications. These pleated depth filters consist of a three-dimensional borosilicate depth media, achieving a void volume of 95%, which ensures a high containment capacity at high flowrates and low differential pressure. A range of sintered-steel sterile filters for gases, liquids and steam, the Compfil SF filter is designed for removal of particles from gases, liquids and steam. The SF consists of a re-generable isostatically pressed filter cylinder made from sintered stainless steel. The retention rate ranges from 1 to 25 μm. — Porvair Filtration Group, Ltd., Fareham, U.K.