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ExxonMobil reaches full production at Port Allen lubricants plant

| By Mary Bailey

Exxon Mobil Corp. (Irving, Tex.; announced that its Port Allen aviation lubricants plant has achieved full production for the entire line of Mobil Jet engine lubricants. The state-of-the-art aviation lubricants blending, packaging and distribution facility started shipping product worldwide in August after receiving regulatory approvals.

The 90,000 square foot facility is part of a $200 million investment to expand ExxonMobil’s integrated chemical and lubricants complex in Baton Rouge, which is already one of the largest petrochemical hubs in the world.

“We anticipate that demand for advanced aviation fuels and lubricants will increase 55 percent by 2040,” said Nancy Carlson, vice president of aviation and marine at ExxonMobil Fuels and Lubricants. “The Port Allen plant will position ExxonMobil for growth, enabling the company to meet the emerging needs of the industry while integrating modern technologies to manufacture aviation engine oils for many years to come.”

The facility uses the latest manufacturing equipment, including in-line blending, high-speed quart line and flow-through racking, and a range of sustainable features to increase electrical energy efficiency, including natural day-lighting panels, a comprehensive recycling program and dedicated water treatment facilities.

In 2012, Louisiana Economic Development worked in partnership with ExxonMobil to position the state for this opportunity. This partnership helped to create 400 direct construction jobs and 45 new, permanent jobs between the Port Allen and chemical plant sites.