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Exxon affiliate Esso Norge to build new processing unit at Slagen refinery

| By Mary Page Bailey

ExxonMobil Corp. (Irving, Tex.; affiliate Esso Norge AS has announced plans to install a new processing unit at the Slagen refinery to enable production of high-quality vacuum gas oil, a higher-yield feedstock used to create finished products, such as diesel. The new residual flash tower is an upgrading unit that will improve the facility’s overall crude distillation process by replacing production of heavy fuel oil with lighter, higher-value gas oil.
“The new investment in Slagen builds upon other strategic investments in Europe and further strengthens the industry-leading position of our advantaged assets in meeting increasing demand for energy,” said Jerry Wascom, president of ExxonMobil Refining and Supply Co. “This project, coupled with a recently announced major upgrade at our Antwerp facility, will further strengthen ExxonMobil’s integrated downstream portfolio in Europe to better compete in the challenging environment our industry currently faces.”
ExxonMobil is investing for the future in its Slagen refinery despite low margins and industry-wide losses in Europe. This project demonstrates ExxonMobil’s long-term view, with strategic investments in advantaged refineries to more successfully face the challenging industry environment. The company is evaluating investments in other advantaged assets in its global refining network.
“ExxonMobil continues to optimize its world-class refining assets through strategic investments in assets with advantages over our competition,” said Stephen Hart, regional director of ExxonMobil Refining and Supply Co. “The new processing unit at Slagen refinery supports the company’s position as a leader in the global energy market by improving the production slate at the Slagen refinery. The new unit will enable improvement in the product yield in a highly energy-efficient manner that will help further strengthen the industry-leading position of our assets.”