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Evonik breaks ground in Marl for new polyamide 12 powders plant

| By Mary Bailey

Evonik Industries (Essen, Germany; broke ground in Marl, Germany for construction of a new production plant for specialty polyamide 12 (PA12) powders. The specialty chemicals company will thus increase annual capacity for its Vestosint brand of PA12 powders by 50 percent. The amount invested lies in the mid-double-digit million euro range. The new plant is scheduled to come onstream at the end of 2017.   

Vestosint powders are used, for example, for coating of metals in household goods such as dishwasher racks, in the automotive industry, and in medical technology. For many years Evonik has also been developing specialty polymer powders that allow industrial production of high-tech components in 3D printing. Vestosint’s processing behavior and property profile are optimally suited to the relevant 3D printing technology.