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Engineering societies join forces to manage carbon emissions

| By Dorothy Lozowski

For the past year, leaders of five societies representing more than one million engineers and other technical professionals have been meeting to identify steps the U.S. might take toward managing carbon emissions, a key issue in climate change discussions, should that become public policy. The societies participating are: the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers; the American Society of Civil Engineers; the American Society of Mechanical Engineers; and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.The group has developed a Website for collaboration ( and scorecards for benchmarking carbon management alternatives. The scorecards are part of an effort to assess the merits of different carbon management technologies, to identify barriers to technology deployment, and to address gaps and barriers to measuring and verifying carbon emissions.

Keairns said the overall goal of the engineers’ effort, underwritten by the United Engineering Foundation, is to assure that “engineers, educators, the general public, and policy makers have the best-available information, and sound engineering advice and recommendations” for managing greenhouse gases. “Stabilizing and reducing greenhouse gas emissions requires involvement from a broad range of industries, technologies and disciplines,” Keairns commented. “The participating societies bring together the expertise of engineers along the entire supply chain of energy, from extraction to use, including the development and use of next generation technologies,” he said. He also pointed out, given the importance of incorporating global developments into carbon management, that the societies have international reach and membership.

The engineers see that controlling carbon emissions from energy generation requires a longterm perspective. Unfortunately, the energy challenge has tended to receive only short-term attention when fossil fuel prices are high or when there are disruptions or shortages in supplies. They believe that this lack of longterm commitment and focus is no longer acceptable. “The need for energy security and for economically and environmentally sustainable energy systems is extremely serious and must be ongoing,” Keairns said.

He added that the professional engineering societies have an important role to play because of their balanced, technically based approach and their experience disseminating new technical information, be it through traditional conferences and publications, online discussions and training, or Congressional briefings.