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Endress+Hauser plans complete takeover of Analytik Jena

| By Mary Bailey

The Endress+Hauser Group (Reinach, Switzerland; announced plans for the complete takeover of German company Analytik Jena AG. The group is also interested in buying shares.

“We are still prepared to acquire shares at a reasonable price,” announced Dr. Heiner Zehntner, legal counsel and member of the executive board of the Endress+Hauser Group and Supervisory Board member of Analytik Jena AG.

At the end of March 2015, Analytik Jena left the regulated market at Frankfurt stock exchange. Analytik Jena shareholders wishing to sell their shares in the company to Endress+Hauser should mandate their bank counselor accordingly. Currently, Endress+Hauser directly holds approximately 92% of the shares and voting rights in Analytik Jena. The next step the group intends to make is to buy out the remaining minor shareholders. “We’ve made it clear right from the start that we aim for the complete takeover of Analytik Jena. We announced the withdrawal from the regulated market at an early point, and now we also want to notify the remaining shareholders in good time of our future plans,” said Heiner Zehntner.