Europe’s Fuel Cell and Hydrogen (FCH) Joint Undertaking has announced the 11 regional projects that will receive funds for Project Development Assistance (PDA).
Project plans include deployment of hydrogen production from wind and solar power and as an industrial by-product. The diverse portfolio of the end-use applications in the selected regions, from mobility to stationary applications, can create a great blueprint for the other European regions.
These projects are located in Asturias, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Gdynia, Limburg, Mariestad, Médio Tejo, Mocenok, Ruse, Sofia, Texel and Zagreb, as shown on the map. The selected regions will be included in the PDA Observers’ Network and will receive support to develop their hydrogen project concepts over the next year.
The goal of FCH is to support local authorities from across the European Union to develop their concepts for regional hydrogen and fuel cell (FCH) projects into detailed work plans. These projects will accelerate the progress of hydrogen deployment in Europe by providing a blueprint to other regional hydrogen projects, as part of a drive towards carbon neutrality.

Source: FCH-JU
The 11 E.U. regions and cities that have been selected are spread across 10 E.U. Member States and will receive support from a consortium consisting of WaterstofNet, Spilett, Element Energy, Trezors and WiseEuropa.
Sustainable hydrogen specialist WaterstofNet has been selected to provide project development assistance to hydrogen and fuel cell projects in Texel and Flemish Limburg.
Adwin Martens, director of WaterstofNet: “WaterstofNet has developed a track record of more than 10 years in supporting regional stakeholders in developing local initiatives into concrete projects. Together with other renowned European hydrogen consultancy providers, WaterstofNet is using its expertise to assist ambitious EU regions and cities in the frame of the FCH JU Project Development Assistance Initiative. Together we are able to develop local hydrogen ecosystems as a breeding ground for projects and strengthen the position of Europe and the Benelux in the development of hydrogen initiatives.”