Morehouse Instrument
This company has introduced two new portable calibration machines (photo) — the PCM, with a 2,000-lb f capacity, and the BCM, with a 10,000-lb f capacity. The PCM is capable of calibrating various types of load cells, hand-held force gages, and other force-measuring devices with capacities from 25 through 2,000 lb f while providing stable control to within 0.01 lb f. The PCM eliminates the need for the technician to carry or stack weights, which protects employees, as weights are often heavy and can lead to injuries. The benchtop BCM model allows for calibration of force-measuring equipment with capacities of 100 through 10,000 lb f. Both the PCM and BCM are designed with field calibration requirements in mind, and with the goal of providing all necessary force calibration tools in a portable package. — Morehouse Instrument Co., York, Pa.