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Eastman to acquire Taminco for $2.8 billion

| By Mary Page Bailey

Eastman Chemical Co. (Kingsport, Tenn.; has announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement with Taminco Corp. (Allentown, Pa.;, under which Eastman will acquire Taminco, a global specialty chemical company. Under the terms of the agreement, Taminco stockholders will receive $26.00 in cash for each share of Taminco common stock. The total transaction value is $2.8 billion, including net assumed debt of $1 billion. The acquisition will be funded with available cash and debt financing. 
“The acquisition of Taminco demonstrates Eastman’s continued commitment to accelerating growth throughout the company and around the globe,” said Mark Costa, chairman and chief executive officer of Eastman. “As a specialty chemical company with consistent earnings growth and leading positions in attractive niche end markets, Taminco is a strong fit with Eastman’s strategic focus. Taminco will add an attractive alkylamines stream to our chemical portfolio.”
“We commend the management team and employees of Taminco. Their innovation-driven strategy has helped transform Taminco into a leading specialty chemical company as demonstrated by its strong, consistent earnings growth over the past eight years. We are confident that our similar business models will allow for a smooth and seamless integration,” added Costa. “We look forward to welcoming the Taminco employees to Eastman.”