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Eastman completes plasticizer capacity expansion in Texas City

| By Mary Page Bailey

Eastman Chemical Co. (Kingsport, Tenn.; has completed a previously announced capacity expansion of its Eastman 168 non-phthalate plasticizers at its manufacturing facility in Texas City, Tex. The expansion at the site increased the overall capacity of Eastman 168 by approximately 15%.
“We are pleased with the completion of this important expansion,” said Jon Woods, Plasticizers business unit director. “Since this expansion leveraged an existing asset, it was completed with minimal capital investment.”
Non-phthalate plasticizers are broadly used in products such as toys, childcare items, food contact materials and medical devices, and are also used to provide flexibility to PVC in a wide variety of applications. End markets for non-phthalate plasticizers include building and construction, health and wellness, and a broad range of consumer products.