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E3 Lithium begins operations at direct lithium extraction field pilot plant in Alberta

| By Mary Bailey

E3 Lithium Ltd. (Calgary, Alta., Canada) announced that commissioning of its Direct Lithium Extraction (DLE) field pilot plant is complete and operations have begun.

The commissioning process included connecting all major pieces of equipment to the piping and wiring systems on site. The team has also conducted a series of necessary inspections and system tests to ensure safe and successful operations. Each DLE system has demonstrated it is operating as expected based on the performance metrics established during pre-pilot testing.

The operations begin with running the DLE processes at different system parameter settings to determine the most efficient extraction of lithium, guided by the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) outlined on June 14, 2023. Upon determining a specific set of operating parameters, each system will run for a longer duration to accomplish two tasks: 1) confirm consistent results over an extended period; and 2) produce large volumes of lithium concentrate for further refining into lithium products, such as lithium hydroxide. The data collected throughout the pilot operations will be primarily used to inform the commercial design of the processing facility for our Pre-Feasibility Study (PFS) and Feasibility Study (FS).

“The start of full operations is a testament to the hard work the team has been putting in to get this equipment running,” said Chris Doornbos, President and CEO of E3 Lithium. “This is a foundational moment for E3 Lithium, as demonstrating DLE at pilot scale will enable us to move forward in developing this lithium asset in Alberta towards commercialization.”