Reciprocating air compressor has built-in backup capacity
The Duplex reciprocating air compressors feature two individual compressor pumps and two motors mounted on a single tank, ensuring 100% built-in backup or additional air power for larger-capacity applications. The Duplex is ideal for applications where available power does not allow for a single larger compressor, says the company. Its relatively compact size also makes it ideal for use in tight spaces. Manufactured from durable cast iron, the unit is designed to provide automatic duplexing of or alternating of compressors, depending on compressed air reqruiements. It provides 175-psig maximum operating pressure for applications that require high air capacity and pressure. It also features an ASME-coded receiver tank, a mounted and wired magnetic starter and alternator panel, and automatic start/stop controls. Optional vibration isolators are available.— Ingersoll Rand, Davidson, N.C.