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Combined Advantages of Coriolis Meters and Two-Wire Technology

| By Chemical Engineering

With the launch of the two-wire Micro Motion 2200S transmitter, the value of Coriolis technology has been expanded to the wide range of applications that require loop-powered flow devices. The new meters are especially suitable for upgrading older loop-powered technologies to ELITE-Coriolis meters without adding more power or installing new cable, says the manufacturer. These two-wire meters deliver ±0.10% liquid-flow, and ±0.0005 g/cm 3 liquid-density accuracy in continuous process and mass-balance applications. It has no moving parts and requires no maintenance. Equipped with MVD digital process technology, the 2200S delivers multivariable and diagnostic information via HART communications. The new transmitter is suitable for a range of process conditions and has CSA Class 1 Division 1 or 2 approvals, and ATEX, IECEx, NEPSI Zone 1 and Zone 2 approvals. — Emerson Process Management, Baar, Switzerland