The AquaPrime cloth-media filtration system (photo) utilizes a disk configuration and the OptiFiber cloth filtration media to effectively filter screened, de-gritted, raw sewage. The proven technology easily handles significantly higher solids loading rates compared to secondary clarified effluent (by a factor of 3 to 5) with the added ability to sustain a low total-suspended-solids concentration, says the manufacturer. Furthermore, the AquaPrime system operates in less than 10% of the footprint of conventional primary settling basins and offers the added advantage of improving gas production (energy harvesting) in the anaerobic digestion system due to significant reduction in organic materials. The cloth-media filtration system produces consistent effluent under variable influent conditions that are typical in both primary-treatment and wet-weather applications. — Aqua-Aerobic Systems, Inc., Loves Park, Ill.