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Chemenator Briefs

| By Gerald Ondrey

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Sustainable methanol

Perstorp Holding AB (Malmö Perstorp, Sweden; is planning large-scale production of sustainable methanol from captured carbon dioxide and other residue streams. This could contribute substantially towards a climate-neutral industry. Project AIR, which Perstorp has created with partners, has been approved for the next level of evaluation from the E.U. Innovation Fund.

Project AIR is a large-scale project that by 2025 will decrease annual carbon emissions into the atmosphere by half a million tons. This will be accomplished by building the world’s largest carbon capture and utilization unit on Perstorp’s site in Stenungsund, Sweden. Using a new electrolysis plant and taking biogas as a source, it will produce 200,000 ton/yr of sustainable methanol.

A final decision on what projects will be funded by the E.U. Innovation Fund is expected later this year.

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