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Chem Show welcomes Chemical Engineering magazine as a new media partner for the 2015 100th anniversary event

| By Mary Page Bailey

Producers of the 2015 Chem Show, which will be held in New York City, November 17-19, 2015, have announced that Chemical Engineering magazine (New York, N.Y.;, published by Access Intelligence (Rockville, Md.;, has become a Media Partner and will offer exhibitors and attendees several new benefits.
As part of the new partnership, Chemical Engineering will present the prestigious Kirkpatrick Chemical Engineering Achievement Award at the Show, produce a digital Show Daily newsletter, create an October Preview Show issue, help secure a dynamic Keynote Speaker, offer valuable Sponsorship programs and actively promote the 100th Anniversary of North America’s leading chemical processing exposition.
“As we launch a new century of innovation at the 2015 Show, our partnership with Chemical Engineering will provide chemical processing professionals with several new reasons to participate,” said Clay Stevens, president of International Exhibition Company (IEC), which produces and manages the Chem Show. “Like the Chem Show, Chemical Engineering has been a leading resource for the latest technological advancements and innovations for more than 10 decades.”
These sentiments were echoed by Michael Grossman, publisher of Chemical Engineering, “We are delighted to be partnering with the Chem Show to strengthen what is already the industry’s leading marketplace for chemical processing professionals. Many of the major chemical, pharmaceutical, household and personal care companies always send their engineers and other processing professionals to the Show to see all the latest products and innovations.”
Grossman added that the Chem Show is the perfect venue for the prestigious Kirkpatrick Award as it was created to honor the most innovative chemical engineering technology commercialized anywhere in the world. Past winners have included many of the major global corporations such as Dow, Monsanto, Merck, Union Carbide and others.
Stevens added that the combined resources of such two iconic brands as the Chem Show and Chemical Engineering would certainly enhance the 2015 event. “We will work closely with Chemical Engineering and other leading industry organizations to provide CPI professionals with the solutions they need to meet their specific and diverse needs.” Stevens added.  
The 2015 event is expected to attract more than 300 exhibiting companies and over 5,000 CPI professionals. For more information on exhibiting or attending the 2015 Chem Show, call 203.221.9232 or email: [email protected].