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Water Treatment

Kurita Water Industries completes acquisition of U.S. Water Services

U.S. Water Services, Inc. (St. Michael, Minn.; today announced that is has joined the Kurita Water Industries Ltd. companies ( a leading international water management company headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. The acquisition was announced in early February 2019 and…

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Industrial-grade salt recovery from zero-liquid-discharge process

A process that increases the water-recovery from reverse osmosis (RO) while producing a salt byproduct is being developed by Hyrec (Urla/Izmir, Turkey; The process, which uses osmotically assisted RO (OARO), could be especially beneficial in coal-to-chemicals (CTC) plants in…

Recently Published Books for the CPI: November 2018

The following recently published books are relevant to the chemical process industries (CPI): Membrane-Based Salinity Gradient Processes for Water Treatment and Power Generation. Edited by Sarper Sarp and Nidal Hilal, Elsevier Press, 2018, 366 pages, $187.00.  Bow Ties in Risk…

Brewing Technology: An Old Art Looks Forward

Research and development in the brewing industry is peaking, driven by efforts to improve quality, efficiency and sustainability Within the chemical process industries (CPI), the brewing industry is among the sectors with the deepest historical roots and the most entrenched…

The Use of Ozone in Chemical Process Industries (CPI) Applications

The industrial uses of onsite-generated ozone are continuously growing. This article outlines applications for ozone in the CPI and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of using this gaseous chemical Ozone is most commonly thought of as the stratospheric barrier to…

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Advanced thermal hydrolysis pretreatment boosts biogas production

Thermal hydrolysis of wastewater sludge before it enters anaerobic digestion units can increase the rate of residuals-to-biogas conversion (biogas production) and increase the feed concentration, the combination of which significantly reduces anaerobic-digester reactor volume. An advanced thermal hydrolysis process (THP)…

CPI Booklist for September 2018

The following list of recently published book titles shown here are relevant to professionals in various parts of the chemical process industries (CPI)  Biotechnology of Metals: Principles, Recovery Methods and Environmental Concerns, By K.A. Natarajan, Elsevier ScienceDirect, 2018, 502 pages,…

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Non-thermal treatment method for high-salinity produced water

A new pilot project brings together advanced membrane filtration with non-thermal, zero-liquid-discharge (ZLD) solvent exchange to efficiently treat high-salinity produced water from oil-and-gas operations. PetroH2O Recovery (Southlake, Tex.; is currently building a pilot plant with the capacity to process…

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Creating Custom Chemistry for Oil-and-Gas Production

The complex demands of oil-and-gas production often require the development of customized chemical technologies, and CPI companies are rising to meet these challenges The oil-and-gas and chemical process industries (CPI) are interconnected in that the oil-and-gas sector provides many of…

Treating Boiler Feedwater for Reliable Operation

These key elements of internal boiler feedwater (BFW) treatment will help avoid boiler tube failures due to scale and pitting For many chemical processes, an industrial packaged-type boiler is a critical component for either power generation or for producing steam.…