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Water Treatment

Member Exclusive

Extracting drinking water from humidity

An energy-autonomous process for capturing air humidity for drinking water has been developed by scientists at the Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology (IGB; Stuttgart; and Logos-Innovationen GmbH (Bodnegg, both Germany; The concept is suitable for supplying…

Water reuse and recycling: Taking the Plunge

Globally, water reuse and recycling are not uncommon — with parts of Australia, South Africa and the Middle East rather heartily embracing the practice. Even in Europe, it is estimated that 75 to 80% of water is reused. However, because…

Chementator: This mechanical cleaning process reduces fouling in MBRs without chemicals

For wastewater treatment, membrane bioreactors (MBRs) provide superior effluent quality in a small footprint compared to alternative activated-sludge treatment methods. However, MBRs are prone to fouling, and thus may require frequent membrane cleaning with the associated manpower and chemical costs.…

Chementator: Black liquor treatment

China Energy Recovery, Inc. (CER; Shanghai;, in alliance with CMIIC Engineering and Construction Corp. (Beijing;, plans to design and build what is claimed to be the world’s largest straw-pulp-alkali recovery system. The $11.6-million contract is a key part…

Editor’s Page: Pooling Water Resources

This month’s cover line "Approaching Zero Liquid Discharge" (see Cover Story, pp. 60 – 68) includes part of a growing vernacular that applies to water use in the chemical process industries (CPI) and beyond. Regardless of how differently the situation…

Member Exclusive

Strategies to Minimize Wastewater Discharge

As regulatory issues, environmental sensitivity, and longterm water supply concerns increase, the chemical process industries (CPI) are considering ways to reduce their water discharges. In fact, more and more companies are evaluating the viability of zero-liquid-discharge (ZLD) processes. This usually…

Member Exclusive

Feature Report: Water Reuse and Conservation in the CPI

The need to conserve water is becoming a common concern throughout the world. Whether this is due to the cost of water, availability of water, or environmental concerns, water conservation is becoming a major focal point, both in the public…

July 2008 Letters

Monitoring Our Atmosphere Please refer to the Editor’s Page, April 2008: Mr. Gerald Ondrey’s last sentence sums it up. "Ultimately, the only truly green solution is to reduce consumption — the second law of thermodynamics says so." Rep. Roscoe Bartlett…

Member Exclusive

Chementator: Controling corrosion and odor from sewers    

At last month’s IFAT Trade Exhibition (May 5 – 9; Munich, Germany), Kemira Water (Helsingborg, Finland; introduced, H2S-Guard, a system that monitors, controls and protects against odor and corrosion in sewage networks. The system consists of H2S measurement devices…