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Water Treatment

Japanese water-treatment filter enters U.S. market boasting no need to replace granular filter media — ever  

Last month at Weftec.07, the Annual Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference in San Diego, Nihon Genryo Co., Ltd. (Kanagawa, Japan; launched for the first time to the North American market its Saito Tank, a granular water filtration…

Extracting HMs  

The latest issues of the J. of Separation Sci. and the J. of Colloid Interface Sci. report on a new material, nanostructured silica, which can be functionalized to extract heavy metals (HMs), such as mercury, lead, cadmium and zinc, from…

Wonderful wastewater

Click here for full pdf version of this article - includes all graphs, charts, tables, and author information   Wastewater may not be exactly wonderful, but it is certainly fashionable. The global market for industrial water and wastewater equipment is…

Strategies for Controlling Membrane Fouling

    Fouling is one of the most vexing problems in water-treatment systems that use membranes to remove suspended and dissolved particles. The deposition and accumulation of these substances on membrane surfaces inevitably lead to loss of performance for the…

The Green Revolution

    Kermit the Frog once said, “It isn’t easy being green.” While this may be true, industry is still making the effort. Both in the U.S. and abroad, processors are not only striving to produce environmentally friendly products, but…

A commercial debut for a new process that removes phosphates and nitrogen from wastewater

Paques B.V. (Balk, Netherlands; has developed a cost-effective biological process (flowsheet) for removing phosphates and nitrogen from wastewater. The first commercial installation to use the new process officially opened last month at Aviko (Steenseren, Netherlands), where it is treating…

Looking beyond production

The impact of the chemical process industries (CPI) is much farther reaching than just the products that they produce. With respect for the power of the materials they handle, the CPI must act responsibly, considering factors that can affect workers,…

Member Exclusive

Monitor Cations in CPI Wastewater for Better Performance

    A detailed follow up of the cations present in the wastewater of the Monsanto Europe site in Antwerp, Belgium, has led to an increased understanding of changing wastewater treatment plant performance. The chemical process industries' (CPI) other wastewater…

Member Exclusive

Microfiltration For CPI Wastewater

    Pure water is an essential ingredient in the manufacture of a vast amount of products in the U.S. and, of course, throughout the world. In the industry for which I work, electricity generation, high-purity water is an absolute…

Recovering salt, fresh water and farmland from briny land

The rise of the salty water table in many areas of Australia is threatening a large area of agricultural land. In a two-year research, development and demonstration project, scientists have been looking for ways to solve the problem by producing…