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Water Treatment

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Harvesting water and minerals from waste slurries with supercritical water oxidation

A wastewater treatment plant operated by Orange County (Calif.) Sanitation District is the site of the first installment, at a commercial facility, of a new supercritical water oxidation (SCWO) technology capable of producing clean water and minerals from waste slurries.…

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A Brief Review of Natural Water’s Influence on Scale Formation in Heat Exchangers

Understanding the water chemistry is a first step in preventing heat-exchanger fouling At the two power plants and chemical plant in which this author formerly worked, the fresh-water-makeup supplies (two lakes and an underground aquifer adjacent to a river) all…

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Fouling-immune membrane available for brackish-water RO applications

In November 2023, the first commercial test was initiated for a novel, fouling-immune membrane for brackish-water reverse osmosis (BWRO) applications through an early-access program. Membrane developer ZwitterCo (Woburn, Mass.; says its membrane is fouling-immune in cases where fouling of…

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Slurry-processing system produces dry solids, aqueous NH3 in a single step

A new technology designed for improving the environmental footprint associated with processing liquid waste streams containing suspended or dissolved solids has been developed by Sedron Technologies (Sedro-Wooley, Wash.; www. and tradenamed Varcor. The technology separates, dries and sterilizes solid…

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The Changing Face of Water Treatment

Modern solutions help processors achieve water-related goals in a more proactive, cost-effective way Although water reuse and recycling began as a necessity in regions where water scarcity was a significant challenge, the increasing cost of water coupled with aggressive sustainability…

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Treating Wastewater in Bioprocessing Facilities

Bioprocessing facilities can achieve compliance, prevent downstream contamination and increase water reuse by using advanced oxidation processes Wastewater generated from bioprocessing facilities is heavily regulated in the U.S. by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA; Washington, D.C.; and various state…

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Commercial debut for a batch reverse-osmosis system

Earlier this year, Salinity Solutions Ltd. (Coventry, U.K.; signed an agreement with Te-Tech Process Solutions (Totton, Southampton, U.K.; to manufacture commercial water-purification systems based on batch reverse-osmosis (RO). This technology, originally characterized and developed at the University of…

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Onsite bioelectrochemical treatment for ultra-concentrated wastewater

The combination of electrochemical principles and microbial activity is the backbone of a treatment technology designed specifically for ultra-concentrated and challenging industrial wastewater. The Bioelectrochemical Treatment Technology (BETT) developed by Aquacycl (Escondido, Calif.; involves “microbial fuel-cells” that produce direct…

Lummus acquires water and wastewater-treatment technologies from Siemens Energy

Lummus Technology (Houston) announced that it has reached an agreement with Siemens Energy to acquire assets from its water solutions portfolio, including intellectual property and copyrights, trade secrets, and research and development properties. The technologies address water and wastewater needs…

Cutting Cost and Waste with Rinsewater Recycling

Onsite recovery conserves one of the most precious resources — water. A well-engineered, closed-loop recycling system can pay dividends in avoided costs to treat and discharge wastewater In Southern California, few businesses dispute the need for water conservation. In a…