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Water Treatment

Biodegradation and Testing of Scale Inhibitors

Water systems are common in the chemical process industries (CPI). Mixing, heating, concentrating and evaporating water in these systems will often result in an accumulation of inorganic scale, which can markedly decrease process-system efficiency. Scale inhibitors are chemical substances that,…

This photometer measures a wide range of concentrations

The DCP007 Series of industrial photometers (photo) can measure the concentration of light-absorbing substances over the wavelength of 280 to 2,000 nm. The new units use solid-state LED lamps and laser diode technology, and a dual wavelength, four-channel measurement technique…

This decanter uses less energy for sludge dewatering

Pieralisi Launched at IFAT last month, this new series of decanters (photo) has been designed specifically for the dewatering of sludge from industrial wastewater. The designers of the new decanter series have given particular attention to energy savings: thanks to…

Water Environment Federation’s 82nd annual technical exhibition and conference

Last month, a total of 17,722 visitors and 995 exhibitors attended WEFTEC.09, the Water Environment Federation’s (WEF) 82nd annual technical exhibition and conference held in Orlando, Fla. Particularly in this time of economic concerns, the strong showing reinforces the importance…

Clean the air from wastewater treatment plants without carbon

BioAir Solutions Using its proprietary EcoBase synthetic media, this firm has developed a line of odor control products (photo) that remove both organic and inorganic odorous compounds from the airstreams of industrial wastewater-treatment plant. Units are available for covering airstreams…

This biofilm treatment system offers high surface areas

Microorganisms in a biofilm wastewater-treatment process are typically more resilient to process disturbances when compared to other types of biological-treatment processes. In the AnoxKaldnes Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) technology, the biofilm growth is protected within engineered plastic carriers that…

A platform for monitoring and control of cooling water systems

GE Energy Introduced in August, TrueSense (photo) integrates three new and unique functionalities into one platform: direct online monitoring of critical water chemistries; personal instrumentation that dramatically cuts offline testing time; and a powerful data analysis and display capability. A…

A Process to Reduce the Cost of Sludge Dewatering

The cost for sludge treatment — in terms of manpower, equipment and energy — accounts for about 50% of the overall cost of wastewater. Since most end users require that the sludge be transported to another destination, it is important…

Advanced cooling water solutions increase reliability

This company has recently debuted two advanced cooling solutions to help monitor, control and maintain cooling water systems with greater reliability and predictability. GenGard is a water-treatment technology for open recirculating cooling systems that can be applied in both neutral…

Advanced oxidation using more than ozone

Air Products and Chemicals The Halia Advanced Oxidation System (photo) incorporates HiPOx technology, an ozone-based advanced oxidation process for water treatment. In the Halia advanced oxidation process (AOP), the HiPOx reactor efficiently injects and mixes O3 and H2O2 to maximize…