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Water Treatment

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Non-chemical Water Treatment

Non-chemical water treatment methods generally utilize electricity to prevent scale formation, mitigate corrosion and control microbial growth. When properly applied, non-chemical water-treatment technologies help plants reduce chemical consumption, minimize waste and possibly save water and energy. The following descriptions outline…

Member Exclusive

I drink tap water

I drink tap water! There, I finally said it. I am out of the closet — the water closet. My two sons are now cowering with shame, wondering how they can possibly ever face their Dasani-drinking friends again. It was…

Use this microbicide for municipal wastewater

Proxitane WW-12 Peracetic Acid (PAA) is an environmentally compatible microbiocide that is used for biological control in municipal wastewaters. This U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-registered wastewater disinfectant is an alternative to halogenated disinfectants such as chlorine-based chemicals, and can have…

weftec 2012 the water quality event

  Weftec 2012, the Water Environment Federation’s 85th annual technical exhibition and conference, attracted over 17,000 attendees on September 29 – October 3, 2012 at the Morial Convention Center in New Orleans, La. With 980 exhibiting companies, the following is…

Water and energy are linked

This month marks the 40th anniversary of the Clean Water Act (CWA), the primary federal law regulating discharges of pollutants into U.S. waters. As far as the developed world’s water priorities go, a great deal has changed since 1972. For…

Four headworks processes preassembled into one package

The complete Pista Works headworks system combines several headworks processes — screening, grit removal and grit washing — into one skid-mounted package. Each system is preassembled and shipped directly to the job site on one truck, thereby significantly reducing field…

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This new pump system improves efficiency for desalination operations

A new hydraulically driven, positive-displacement-pump system can lower the energy requirements for pumping water by 10% in large seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) desalination plants, where electricity typically represents the largest cost. Recently launched by GE Water & Power ( at…

Technology from Veolia Water Solutions is selected for potash and salt recovery in Spain

Veolia Water Solutions & Technologies (Saint Maurice, France; has been awarded the supply of a large-scale evaporation and crystallization plant by Iberpotash, S.A., a business unit of ICL Fertilizers. Iberpotash produces potash fertilizers from sylvinite mining from deposits located…

New RO membranes with high salt rejection

Five new types of Lewabrane membrane-separation elements for reverse osmosis (RO) are now available. As of July, high-rejection (HR) types with membrane surface areas of 370 and 440 ft2, and high-flow (HF) types, with membrane surface areas of 370, 400…

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Water-saving strategies for the CPI

Reducing freshwater consumption and wastewater discharge at large petroleum-refining and chemical-production facilities can lower costs, while allowing plants to expand production capacities without having to secure additional freshwater resources and without having to enlarge their wastewater treatment plants. The key…