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Water Treatment

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Water Treatment Technologies

Removing contaminants from water is a critical operation in the chemical process industries (CPI). The goal of treatment processes is to reduce the relevant contaminants to the extent required by the application. This column provides information on major categories of…

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A new catalyst removes cyanide from wastewater

Chemists at the University of Amsterdam (UvA; the Netherlands; have discovered a new catalytic method for removing cyanide ions from industrial wastewater. The heterogeneous catalyst — discovered jointly by Paula Oulego Blanco, Raveendran Shiju and professor Gadi Rothenberg from…

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‘Switchable solvent’ technology is a promising development for advancing forward osmosis

Forward osmosis (FO), whereby a concentrated salt solution is used to “draw” water through a membrane from a less-concentrated salt solution (via osmotic pressure), has the advantage over reverse osmosis (RO) in that high pressures, with the associated pumps and…

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Turning wastewater treatment into resource recovery

In late September, GE Power & Water (Trevose, Pa.; introduced its new Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactor (MABR) technology, tradenamed ZeeLung, at the Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference (Weftec; Chicago, Ill., September 26–30; This technology is poised…

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Selective removal of micropollutants

Micropollutants, such as antibiotics and flame retardants, can pose a health threat to animals and humans, even in tiny concentrations. Current methods to remove micropollutants from the environment include adsorption onto powdered activated carbon, which is then separated from the…

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This wastewater-treatment process also captures carbon dioxide

Researchers from the University of Colorado Boulder (Boulder, Colo.; have developed a technology that combines wastewater treatment and carbon capture, resulting in a carbon-negative process that actually produces energy. The technology — called microbial electrolytic carbon capture (MECC) —…

Treating Wastewater for Industrial Reuse

Secondary treated wastewater from municipal plants can be a water resource for industry. Important water characteristics and treatment options are discussed Water is a precious resource, and water quality and water pollution are important issues. Many companies and industries are…

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Water Takes the Stage at Achema 2015

The emphasis on water management at Achema 2015 indicates the critical nature of water to all industry sectors as the CPI expand and evolve In June, chemical engineers from around the world convened in Frankfurt am Main, Germany for Achema…

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Wastewater Sludge Centrifugation Before Drying

The decanter centrifuge is an important piece of equipment for sludge volume reduction prior to thermal drying. Understanding centrifuge operation helps manage drying energy costs Consecutive mechanical dewatering and thermal drying are integral parts of sludge management, lowering the sludge…

Combine wastewater treatment with biofuel production

Algae Systems LLC (Daphne, Ala.; has inaugurated a demonstration plant that integrates municipal wastewater treatment with the cultivation of biofuel-producing algae. Pretreated and disinfected municipal wastewater is passed to Algae Systems offshore floating-bag photobioreactors (PBRs), which are located in…